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  • OpenAI Wants AI to Help Humans Train AI

OpenAI Wants AI to Help Humans Train AI

OpenAI Wants AI to Help Humans Train AI

OpenAI's approach of using artificial intelligence systems to assist in the training and development of other AI models. This can involve using advanced AI to create datasets, refine algorithms, and improve the overall training process, making AI development more efficient and effective. The goal is to leverage AI's capabilities to accelerate the progress and quality of AI technologies.

One of the key ingredients that made ChatGPT a ripsnorting success was an army of human trainers who gave the artificial intelligence model behind the bot guidance on what constitutes good and bad outputs. OpenAI now says that adding even more AI into the mix to help assist human trainers could help make AI helpers smarter and more reliable.

In developing ChatGPT, OpenAI pioneered the use of reinforcement learning with human feedback, or RLHF. This technique uses input from human testers to fine-tune an AI model so that its output is judged to be more coherent, less objectionable, and more accurate. The ratings the trainers give feed into an algorithm that drives the model’s behavior. The technique has proven crucial both to making chatbots more reliable and useful and preventing them from misbehaving.

OpenAI developed a new model by fine-tuning its most powerful offering, GPT-4, to assist human trainers tasked with assessing code. The company found that the new model, dubbed CriticGPT, could catch bugs that humans missed, and that human judges found its critiques of code to be better 63 percent of the time. OpenAI will look at extending the approach to areas beyond code in the future.

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